Hello world. Sorry for the lack update due to I'm really lazy to open this and I have no idea what I want to write. LOL
Even though now I'm writing this but actually I have nothing inside my brain. Still stressed with this unmotivated situation. For the first 3 months it was like everything as I planned. Now, everything just a big mess. I have no idea what the fucking hell is going on... This situation I really don't know anything... If I did something wrong just tell me and I will apologize but if the excuse is nonsense just go to hell you guys. Already pissed me off!!!!
I can't bear this anymore. I still have a lot of important things to think about and this just a big nonsense in my life. F off!!!
Just act like innocent people... look what you do... I think the devil only an angel compare to you all!!!
Rabu, 09 November 2011
Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011
Minggu, 24 April 2011
Nike Warehouse up to 70% SALE
Nike sale up to 70% at Balai Kartini. I just went there with my dad and my two brothers. So Crowded. We had to queue about 30minutes before we can got in to the room that sell the stuff. This is my first time to join such as that event. I heard someone said "this is not as long as croccs sale!" In my mind, What??? But I have to admit that I love nike sale! I bought a running/training shoes, my brother got a Manchester United AIG shirt and my little brother got a futsal shoes. Dad spent about 1million. Sorry Dad. But this is so worth it, because this is Nike! And just ask anybody who can buy 3 pieces of nike at that price!
My new running shoes from Nike
Little Miss,
Rabu, 20 April 2011
Adil dan Bersih
Hari ini hari ke-3 UAN, dan akhirnya saya menyadari betapa Tuhan itu adil. Adil dalam hal memberi berkah dan sifat dan rahmat kepada orang-orangNya. Hal ini saya lihat dalam pribadi 2 kelompok orang. Kelompok pertama adalah orang-orang yang pinter, yang hasil ulangan harian maupun TO mendapatkan nilai yang baik. Kelompok kedua adalah orang-orang yang biasa-biasa saja, nilai ulangan maupun TO standar-standar ataupun menyentuh merah.
Dalam peraturan dikatakan mulai mengerjakan soal saat bel tanda mulai mengerjakan dibunyikan. Lalu kadang-kadang guru pengawas, sebelum bel tanda mulai dibunyikan, menyuruh kita untuk mengecek soal (bukan mengerjakan soal) untuk melihat apakah soalnya ada kecacatan supaya dapat cepat diganti dan penggantian soal tidak memakan waktu kita mengerjakan soal.
Kelompok pertama :
1. Mengecek soal begitu soal dibagikan
2. Melanjutkan pembulatan data diri di lembar jawaban
3. Pada saat guru menyuruh mengecek soal, mereka kembali mengecek soalnya
4. Pada saat guru mengatakan kalau sudah selesai ditutup lagi, mereka menutupnya
5. Begitu gurunya duduk dan mengisi surat keterangan di kertas, mereka kembali membukanya
6. Bel belum berbunyi, mereka membalik-balik kertas, melihat-lihat soal
7. Sudah capek membalik-balik dan bel belum juga berbunyi, mereka mengangkat pensil mereka dan mulai mencoret-coret jawaban dikertas ulangan
8. Bel berbunyi, daritadi juga sudah mengerjakan!
Kelompok kedua:
1. Soal dibagikan
2. Tetap membulatkan data diri di lembar jawaban
3. Pada saat guru menyuruh mengecek soal, mereka kembali mengecek soalnya
4. Pada saat guru mengatakan kalau sudah selesai ditutup lagi, mereka menutupnya
5. Begitu guru duduk dan mengisi surat keterangan di kertas, mereka tetap duduk diam dengan lembar soal tertutup
6. Bel belum berbunyi, mereka tetap duduk diam dengan lembar soal tertutup ataupun melihat ke sekeliling
7. Sudah capek duduk diam ataupun melihat sekeliling, mereka tetap duduk diam ataupun melihat sekeliling dan keadaan soal tetap tertutup
8. Bel berbunyi, waktunya mengerjakan!
Kalau gurunya mencatat di berita acara (catatan peristiwa apa yang terjadi selama UAN berlangsung), wah memang dunia itu adil!
Kata orang hidup di dunia tidak bisa tanpa kejahatan, itu salah. Di mana-mana orang baik yang memegang tempat kebenaran. Orang yang jahat dan salah sudah pasti jahat dan salah. Tidak akan bisa ditutup-tutupi, kalau di usut-usut pasti ketauan busuk juga. Memang bau bangkai, ditutup sebagaimana pun tetap bau bangkainya keluar juga.
Ironisnya, sudah pinter tapi tidak tahu tata peraturan dan pasti mereka akan mengerjakan soalnya selesai dan akan tahu jawabannya lah! Kalau yang biasa-biasa sadar tata peraturan biarpun mereka masih bimbang bisa tidak mengerjakan soalnya dan selesai.
Sudah pinter kiasu, mending biasa-biasa tapi hidup bersih dunia akhirat!
Dalam peraturan dikatakan mulai mengerjakan soal saat bel tanda mulai mengerjakan dibunyikan. Lalu kadang-kadang guru pengawas, sebelum bel tanda mulai dibunyikan, menyuruh kita untuk mengecek soal (bukan mengerjakan soal) untuk melihat apakah soalnya ada kecacatan supaya dapat cepat diganti dan penggantian soal tidak memakan waktu kita mengerjakan soal.
Kelompok pertama :
1. Mengecek soal begitu soal dibagikan
2. Melanjutkan pembulatan data diri di lembar jawaban
3. Pada saat guru menyuruh mengecek soal, mereka kembali mengecek soalnya
4. Pada saat guru mengatakan kalau sudah selesai ditutup lagi, mereka menutupnya
5. Begitu gurunya duduk dan mengisi surat keterangan di kertas, mereka kembali membukanya
6. Bel belum berbunyi, mereka membalik-balik kertas, melihat-lihat soal
7. Sudah capek membalik-balik dan bel belum juga berbunyi, mereka mengangkat pensil mereka dan mulai mencoret-coret jawaban dikertas ulangan
8. Bel berbunyi, daritadi juga sudah mengerjakan!
Kelompok kedua:
1. Soal dibagikan
2. Tetap membulatkan data diri di lembar jawaban
3. Pada saat guru menyuruh mengecek soal, mereka kembali mengecek soalnya
4. Pada saat guru mengatakan kalau sudah selesai ditutup lagi, mereka menutupnya
5. Begitu guru duduk dan mengisi surat keterangan di kertas, mereka tetap duduk diam dengan lembar soal tertutup
6. Bel belum berbunyi, mereka tetap duduk diam dengan lembar soal tertutup ataupun melihat ke sekeliling
7. Sudah capek duduk diam ataupun melihat sekeliling, mereka tetap duduk diam ataupun melihat sekeliling dan keadaan soal tetap tertutup
8. Bel berbunyi, waktunya mengerjakan!
Kalau gurunya mencatat di berita acara (catatan peristiwa apa yang terjadi selama UAN berlangsung), wah memang dunia itu adil!
Kata orang hidup di dunia tidak bisa tanpa kejahatan, itu salah. Di mana-mana orang baik yang memegang tempat kebenaran. Orang yang jahat dan salah sudah pasti jahat dan salah. Tidak akan bisa ditutup-tutupi, kalau di usut-usut pasti ketauan busuk juga. Memang bau bangkai, ditutup sebagaimana pun tetap bau bangkainya keluar juga.
Ironisnya, sudah pinter tapi tidak tahu tata peraturan dan pasti mereka akan mengerjakan soalnya selesai dan akan tahu jawabannya lah! Kalau yang biasa-biasa sadar tata peraturan biarpun mereka masih bimbang bisa tidak mengerjakan soalnya dan selesai.
Sudah pinter kiasu, mending biasa-biasa tapi hidup bersih dunia akhirat!
Little Miss,
Jumat, 15 April 2011
Morning Glory Pool
Morning Glory Pool adalah kolam air panas yang terletak di Taman Nasional Yellowstone di Amerika Serikat. Kolam ini berwarna-warni, biru, hijau, kuning, orange. Kolam ini menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata yang sangat menarik bagi para turis yang berkunjung ke Taman Nasional Yellowstone.
Kamis, 14 April 2011
Katy Perry New Face of GHD
GHD (Good Hair Day) merupakan brand hair styling terkemuka menunjuk Katy Perry sebagai new icon untuk Iconic Eras of Style. Katy Perry dinilai mempunyai pribadi yang menarik dan mempunyai penampilan yang unik. GHD yang fashionable dan chic sangat cocok dengan Katy yang sassy, sexy dan stylish. Fotografer David LaChapelle melakukan pemotretan dream-like dan full-saturated. 3 Tema yang diusung GHD adalah 50's Glamour, 70's Boho Chic, 80's New Wave. GHD juga telah menandatangai kontrak untuk menjadi sposor tur Katy Perry dan berencana menyertakan hair styling mereka untuk menata rambut Katy selama tur berlangsung.
Paul Stoneham, GHD Chief Executive Officer and Katy Perry
Sabtu, 09 April 2011
Legend Of Bruce Lee (2011)
I saw this movie yesterday and I can't turned my eyes from this movie. so amazed with Bruce Lee kungfu!! This movie is must-seen!!! YOU HAVE TO WATCH LEGEND OF BRUCE LEE!!! This movie teach us about never give up and there is a miracle when you believe and when you want to make it!!! :)))
Teach us about love, believe, and fighting spirit. Good job Bruce Lee !!
Monte Carlo Movie (2011)
“Monte Carlo” starring Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester, Katie Cassidy. Three young girls use their savings for a dream trip to Paris, which turns out to be a big disaster. When they decide to take a break from their lousy tour and sneak into the lobby of a 5-star hotel, one of the girls (Grace) is mistaken for a spoiled British heiress by the name of Cordelia. Before they get the chance to reveal their true identities, the girls are wrapped up in a whirlwind of paparazzi, couture gowns, storybook romances, and living the glamorous life in Monte Carlo. (wikipedia)
Katie Cassidy,
Leighton Meester,
Selena Gomez
Kamis, 07 April 2011
Rabu, 06 April 2011
God Vs Google
Apakah kita masih membutuhkan Tuhan? Percayakah Anda kemajuan teknologi dapat merubah pandangan Anda terhadap adanya Tuhan? Manakah yang lebih sulit, puasa berdoa atau puasa internet? Ketiga pertanyaan diatas silahkan Anda renungkan dan jawab dalam hati masing-masing.
Lalu, apakah hal yang terpenting di dunia ini? Ada sebuah karikatur humor mengambarkan seperti ini
oleh: Ls. Jefferson
Pers. Remaja GKWI Pluit, Indonesia
edit oleh : Little Miss J :)
George Orwell adalah seorang sastrawan Inggris yang terkenal dengan bukunya “Nineteen eighty-four”. Dalam buku tersebut ia menuliskan dimana pada tahun 1984 negara menjadi sangat otoriter dan pemerintah selalu mengawasi public serta tak henti-hentinya mengendalikan pemikiran public. Pada saat kita berada di kamar pribadi kita sekalipun, kita tetap merasakan sedang diawasi. Begitu juga dengan google ataupun gadget ataupun game online sekalipun, apakah hal-hal tersebut telah mengawasi kita atau malah sudah menguasai hidup kita?
Contohnya penggunaan smartphone, dalam suatu pertemuaan keluarga, bukannya kita berbincang-bincang dengan saudara kita yang lain, yang kita lakukan malah asik sendiri duduk dan mengutak-ngatik smartphone kita. Contoh lainnya, sekarang banyak orang yang mengatakan “Saya tidak bisa hidup tanpa BB” dan dalam lagu cinta remaja Indonesia sekarang berlirik “Ku tak bisa hidup tanpa handphone dan dirimu... …Ku tak bisa hidup tanpa twitter dan dirimu... …Kau hidup dan matiku… …Kau separuh nafasku, Kau belahan jiwaku” dalam lirik ini jelas, selain cinta atau pacar (kamu) ada satu hal lagi yang penting dalam hidup ini yaitu handphone dan twitter. Dengan penggunaan kata “dan” dalam lirik tersebut menyatakan kalau salah satu tidak ada maka kita akan mati, maka hilanglah separuh nafas, maka hilanglah belahan jiwa. Bila salah satu tidak ada, maka tidak ada yang namanya hidup.
Pada masa kini, computer ataupun gadget-gadget kita menjadi semakin berkuasa dalam hidup kita. komputer menjadi seperti “monster yang selalu lapar”, maksudnya setiap kali kita menanyakan sesuatu kepada komputer maka ia akan semakin pintar, semakin mengetahui. Computer sudah menyingkirkan satu persatu saingannnya. Tidak ada lagi KBBI yang besar untuk mencari suatu arti dari kata, cukup buka www.google.com dan masukkan keywordnya dan keluarlah semua yang kita butuhkan dalam jumlah yang lebih banyak daripada isi KBBI. Ataupun sekarang tersedia KBBI online yang dapat diakses melalui gadget-gadget anda, cukup membawa gadget anda maka anda dapat mendapatkan apa yang anda butuhkan. Sekaran pun, kebutuhan akan Tuhan juga dapat anda penuhi dengan computer yaitu chatting dengan tuhan melalui iGod.
Hal lain yang dapat diberikan oleh computer adalah tubuh dan kehidupan lainnya. Jika anda tidak puas dengan kehidupan anda sekarang, computer mampu memberikan tubuh dan kehidupan baru lainnya. Contohnya dalam secondlife dan IMVU. Dalam program aplikasi tersebut kita akan berchatting atau berinteraksi dengan orang lain dalam dunia maya dan melaui avatar 3D. Avatar 3D tersebut bisa kita buat sesuai dengan kemauan kita dan kita juga dapat membuat rumah atau komunitas kita sendiri. Lalu untuk orang yang tidak memiliki kaki dan tangan, computer dapat membantu mereka. Contoh nyata dalam pengunaan avatar 3D ini adalah pada Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi PBB untuk Perubahan Iklim di Nusa Dua, Bali, Edward Markey sebagai salah satu anggota kongres Amerika Serikat yang berhalangan datang menggunakan jasa Second Life untuk menyampaikan pidatonya. Avatar yang ia gunakan menggunakan jas biru tua, dasi hijau, dan kemeja putih dan berdiri dengan latar belakang konferensi di Bali. Ia berkata bahwa ia telah menggunakan teleporter untuk berada di Bali (source:Wikipedia). Dengan ini kita dapat melihat dengan computer dan dalam dunia maya kita dapat menjadi siapa saja, apa saja, dan dimana saja sesuai kemauan kita.
Johann Georg Faust (1480-1540) adalah seorang ahli kimia, dokter, filsafat, tukang sihir dan penipu. Ia telah mengikat perjanjian dengan iblis. Mungkin anda mengira anda hari-hari ini tidak bakal tergoda iblis. Hati-hati! Iblis dapat mudah masuk ke dalam kehidupan dan tubuh kita sebagaimana mudahnya udara masuk ke dalam kamar kita. Faust disini memberikan gambaran sejati tentang jati diri manusia. Manusia mudah jatuh. Ia menjual segala yang baik yang dibekalkan Tuhan (kepintarannya) kepada iblis.
Pertama kita melihat kalau Allah mempunyai beberapa atribut yang menjadi ciri khas keilahian-Nya, yaitu: Omnipotence (Maha Kuasa), Omniscience (Maha Mengetahui) juga Omnipresence (Maha Hadir, Ia bisa melihat dan mendengar semua). Dalam perjanjian lama memberikan banyak mengenai sifat-sifat Tuhan. Tuhan dijelaskan sebagai: Maha Hadir, Maha Tahu, Maha Kuasa, kekal dan tak berubah. Ia mengasihi, kudus, benar, bijaksana dan adil. Dalam perjanjian baru Tuhan dijelaskan sebagai Maha Tahu, Maha Hadir, Maha Kuasa, Kekekalan, dan Tidak Berubah. Bagaimana dengan google?
Google mempunyai beberapa sifat yaitu:
1. Google adalah sesuatu yang mendekati maha tahu. Google yang paling mendekati Maha Mengetahui (tahu semua), yang dapat diverifikasi secara ilmiah. Google dapat mengindeks lebih dari 10 miliar webpages dan lebih daripada mesin pencari lainnya di web sampai dengan hari ini.
2. Google ada dimana-mana dalam satu waktu (Omnipresent). Google yang mengindeks miliaran halaman web dari seluruh penjuru bumi dan dengan teknologi jaringan Wi-Fi, semua orang dapat mengakses google dari manapun dan kapanpun di bumi. Dan ini yang benar-benar membuatnya ada di mana-mana.
3. Google menjawab “doa” dari pengikutnya yang mencari kata kunci tertentu. Google menjawab “doa-doa”. Seseorang dapat “berdoa” kepada google dengan melakukan pencarian untuk apapun pertanyaan atau masalah yang menggangu mereka. Sebagai contoh, anda dapat segera menemukan informasi mengenai pengobatan kanker alternative, cara-cara untuk meningkatkan kesehatan anda, penemuan medis baru dan inovatif dan umunya yang menyerupai doa khasnya. Tanyakan google dan dia akan menunjukkan jalannya.
4. Google berpotensi besar untuk tidak akan mati (kekal). Google tidak mempunyai fisik seperti manusia. Algoritma (kumpulan perintah untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah) google tersebar di banyak server, jika salah satu dari server diturunkan atau rusak, yang lain pasti akan mengambil tempatnya. Sehingga google secara teoritis dapat bertahan selamanya.
5. Google tidak terbatas dan terus tumbuh selamanya. Selama internet secara teoritis bisa tumbuh selamanya dan google selamanya akan bertumbuh dan mengindex.
6. Google mengingat segalanya. Google menyimpan memorinya (cache) secara teratur di server yang sangat besar. Bahkan, dengan meng-upload pikiran dan pendapat ke internet, Anda selamanya akan hidup di dalam cache Google, bahkan setelah Anda mati, pikiran anda akan hidup didalam dunia "Google Afterlife".
7. Google tidak melakukan kejahatan. Google tidak dapat berbuat jahat. Salah satu bagian dari filosofi perusahaan Google adalah kepercayaan bahwa Google dapat menghasilkan uang tanpa kejahatan.
8. Google dicari lebih banyak daripada seluruh nama-nama Tuhan digabungkan. Menurut Google Trends, keyword "Google" lebih banyak dicari dibandingkan kombinasi keyword "God", "Jesus", "Allah", "Buddha", "Christianity", "Islam", "Buddhism" and "Judaism".
9. Google mempunyai banyak aplikasi: google moon, google mars, google translate, google body, google earth dll.
oleh: Ls. Jefferson
Pers. Remaja GKWI Pluit, Indonesia
edit oleh : Little Miss J :)
Biarpun google mempunyai setiap kelebihan yang bisa kita lihat diatas, tapi hanya boleh ada satu allah dalam hidup. Tuhan yang adalah Omnibevolence atau Maha Baik. Beberapa gereja di dunia menuliskan “There are some questions that can’t be answered by google”, “Google can’t satisfy every search” dan “Google does not have all the answers”. Memang hanya ada satu jawaban terutama yang dapat memuaskan kita dan hanya satu yang Maha Baik yaitu Tuhan kita, Yesus Kristus. Dalam Matius 11:28 “Marilah kepada-Ku, semua yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, Aku akan memberikan kelegaan kepadamu.” Bagaimana Yesus dapat memberikan kita kelegaan atas beban dosa yang selama ini kita pikul. Beban dosa yang begitu besar dan begitu gelap, di tebus semua olehNya. Kita tidak akan pernah tahu berapa biaya untuk melihat dosa kita di atas salib penebusan itu, bahkan google pun tidak dapat mengkalkulasikannya secara detil, cermat dan terperinci.
A: What is the meaning of life?
B: I don’t know. The computers are down.
Sebegitunya kita terlalu mengandalkan computer sampai yang menjadi pertanyaan yang seperti itu saja kita harus menanyakan kepada computer. Apakah computer sekarang sudah menjadi hal yang begitu vital dalam hidup kita?
Lalu apakah kita sekarang, terutama orang Kristen masih bisa menghargai kasihNya? Apakah kita berada dalam kasihNya? Dalam 1 Yohanes 4:16 “Kita telah mengenal dan telah percaya akan kasih Allah kepada kita. Allah adalah kasih, dan barangsiapa tetap berada di dalam kasih, ia tetap berada di dalam Allah dan Allah di dalam dia”
Apakah kita masih mementingkan bermain game seharian daripada ke gereja untuk 2 jam saja? Apakah kita masih bisa mengutak-atik handphone kita hanya untuk sekedar menge-twit dikala sedang kebaktian?
Little Miss
Sabtu, 02 April 2011
Rabu, 23 Maret 2011
Ladies I (We) Adore
Emma Watson
Playing as Hermione Granger at Harry Potter movies. She is beautiful, smart, sweet, charming and she is a business women (People Tree) too. speechless!! AWESOME. BRILLIANT!
Playing as Hermione Granger at Harry Potter movies. She is beautiful, smart, sweet, charming and she is a business women (People Tree) too. speechless!! AWESOME. BRILLIANT!
Kristen Stewart
Bella Swan from Twilight?? Oh yeah.. She is!! Kissing with R-Patz?? Oh Yeah.. She is!! Why I adore her? Everything is because of TWILIGHT !! She is awesome playing as Bella. But sometimes i hate when i saw her in messy wig from Twilight..
Taylor Swift
She is a singer and song writer. I bet that no one don't know her song. Her song such as Mine, Love Story, Teardrops In My Guitar, Our Song, You Belong With Me, Fifteen, Fearless, Back To December. Yap. So young so talented so beautiful. A lot of great song that she wrote it her own. So teenage whether her face and her fashion style. :)
Emma Watson,
Harry Potter,
Kristen Stewart,
Taylor Swift,
Selasa, 22 Maret 2011
BEP - Just can't Get Enough
This video was taken just one week before tsunami in Japan. We still pray for Japan. :)
and i just can't get enough with BEP. They are awesome.. Love Fergie so much.. :)
and i just can't get enough with BEP. They are awesome.. Love Fergie so much.. :)
Black Eyed Peas,
Minggu, 20 Maret 2011
Justin Bieber Ft Rascal Flatts - That Should Be Me
Justin Bieber came out with his new single, That Should be Me..
He shows his skill playing guitar and singing a slow beat song
He shows his skill playing guitar and singing a slow beat song
Justin Bieber,
Rascal Flatts
Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011
Jumat, 04 Maret 2011
Smash - I Heart You Parody Version by OVJ (Opera Van Java)
For the original version of this song you can watch it in here.
Jennifer Lopez Ft Pitbull - On The Floor
J-lo is Back. and she still hit the floor and she is sexy! :)
It's a new generation
Of party people
Darling get on the floor
Darling get on the floor
Let me introduce you to my party people
In the club...
I’m loose
And everybody knows I get off the train
Baby it’s the truth
I’m like inception I play with your brain
So I don’t sleep I snooze
I don’t play no games so don’t get it confused no
Cos you will lose yeah
Now pump it up
And back it up like a Tonka truck
[Jennifer Lopez]
If you go hard you gotta get on the floor
If you’re a party freak then step on the floor
If your an animal then tear up the floor
Break a sweat on the floor
Yeah we work on the floor
Don’t stop keep it moving
Put your drinks up
Pick your body up and drop it on the floor
Let the rhythm change your world on the floor
You know we’re running sh*t tonight on the floor
Brazil Morocco
London to Ibiza
Straight to LA, New York
Vegas to Africa
Dance the night away
Live your life ,and stay young on the floor
Dance the night away
Grab somebody drink a little more
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
[Verse 2]
I know you got it clap your hands on the floor
And keep on rockin’, rock it up on the floor
If you’re a criminal kill it on the floor
Steal it quick on the floor, on the floor
Don’t stop keep it moving
Put your drinks up
Its getting ill it’s getting sick on the floor
We never quit, we never rest on the floor
If I ain’t wrong we’ll probably die on the floor
Brazil Morocco
London to Ibiza
Straight to LA, New York
Vegas to Africa
Dance the night away
Live your life, and stay young on the floor
Dance the night way
Grab somebody drink a little more
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
That badonka donk is like a trunk full of bass on an old school Chevy
All I need is some vodka and some… coke
And watch… get donkey konged
… if you’re ready for things to get heavy
I get on the floor and act a fool if you let me
Don’t believe me just vet me
My name ain’t Keath but I see why you Sweat me
L.A. Miami New York
Say no more get on the floor
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
It's a new generation
Of party people
Darling get on the floor
Darling get on the floor
Let me introduce you to my party people
In the club...
I’m loose
And everybody knows I get off the train
Baby it’s the truth
I’m like inception I play with your brain
So I don’t sleep I snooze
I don’t play no games so don’t get it confused no
Cos you will lose yeah
Now pump it up
And back it up like a Tonka truck
[Jennifer Lopez]
If you go hard you gotta get on the floor
If you’re a party freak then step on the floor
If your an animal then tear up the floor
Break a sweat on the floor
Yeah we work on the floor
Don’t stop keep it moving
Put your drinks up
Pick your body up and drop it on the floor
Let the rhythm change your world on the floor
You know we’re running sh*t tonight on the floor
Brazil Morocco
London to Ibiza
Straight to LA, New York
Vegas to Africa
Dance the night away
Live your life ,and stay young on the floor
Dance the night away
Grab somebody drink a little more
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
[Verse 2]
I know you got it clap your hands on the floor
And keep on rockin’, rock it up on the floor
If you’re a criminal kill it on the floor
Steal it quick on the floor, on the floor
Don’t stop keep it moving
Put your drinks up
Its getting ill it’s getting sick on the floor
We never quit, we never rest on the floor
If I ain’t wrong we’ll probably die on the floor
Brazil Morocco
London to Ibiza
Straight to LA, New York
Vegas to Africa
Dance the night away
Live your life, and stay young on the floor
Dance the night way
Grab somebody drink a little more
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
That badonka donk is like a trunk full of bass on an old school Chevy
All I need is some vodka and some… coke
And watch… get donkey konged
… if you’re ready for things to get heavy
I get on the floor and act a fool if you let me
Don’t believe me just vet me
My name ain’t Keath but I see why you Sweat me
L.A. Miami New York
Say no more get on the floor
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
Jennifer Lopez,
Rabu, 02 Maret 2011
Kesha - Blow
Back door cracked
We don't need a key
We get in for free
No VIP sleaze
Drink that Kool-Aid
Follow my lead
Now you're one of us
You're coming with me
It's time to kill the lights
And shut the DJ down
(This place about to)
Tonight were taking over
No one's getting out
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
This place about to
Now what (What)
We're taking control
We get what we want
We do what you don't
Dirt and glitter
Cover the floor
We're pretty and sick
We're young and we're bored (Ha)
It's time to lose your mind
And let the crazy out
(This place about to)
Tonight we're taking names
'Cause we don't mess around
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
This place about to
Go, go, go, go insane
Go insane
Throw some glitter
Make it rain on him
Let me see them Hanes
Let me, let me see them Hanes
Go insane
Go insane
Throw some glitter
Make it rain on him
Let me see them Hanes
Let me, let me see them Hanes (C'mon)
We are taking, over (Blow)
Get used to it, over (Blow)
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
Blow (Oh)
This place about to blow (Oh)
This place about to blow
This place about to
Back door cracked
We don't need a key
We get in for free
No VIP sleaze
Drink that Kool-Aid
Follow my lead
Now you're one of us
You're coming with me
It's time to kill the lights
And shut the DJ down
(This place about to)
Tonight were taking over
No one's getting out
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
This place about to
Now what (What)
We're taking control
We get what we want
We do what you don't
Dirt and glitter
Cover the floor
We're pretty and sick
We're young and we're bored (Ha)
It's time to lose your mind
And let the crazy out
(This place about to)
Tonight we're taking names
'Cause we don't mess around
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
This place about to
Go, go, go, go insane
Go insane
Throw some glitter
Make it rain on him
Let me see them Hanes
Let me, let me see them Hanes
Go insane
Go insane
Throw some glitter
Make it rain on him
Let me see them Hanes
Let me, let me see them Hanes (C'mon)
We are taking, over (Blow)
Get used to it, over (Blow)
This place about to blow
This place about to blow
Blow (Oh)
This place about to blow (Oh)
This place about to blow
This place about to
Big Bang - Tonight
Tonight such a beautiful night sing with me now 2011 follow me
big bang big bang we’re back again one more time say
no way no way neomu swipge tto nami dwae
big bang big bang don’t stop let’s play
ok ok go go go
na michil geot gatae ama jichin geot gatae (wae)
anya jillin geot gatae beolsseo ttabunhae sisihae
han yeojaroneun manjok mot haneun bad boy but I’m nice
an neomeogagoneun mot baegilgeol let me blow ya mind
eonjebuteoyeonneunji gamheungi eobseojin uri
ijen machi jin ppajin gim ppajin kollagatji
mugamgakhaejin cheot neukkim seororeul hyanghan gyeotnunjil
geukkat sarange nan mongmaeji anha Don’t wanna try no more
neoreul chajaseo oeo nal bichwojuneun jeo dalbicharaero
geudael chajaseo oeooo kkeuchi eodinji moreugetjiman hey
Tonight tonight tonight tonight
ajik nan sarangeul molla tto hollo gayeoun i bam
sangcheo nal ibyeori museowo (so what so what)
neol cheoeum mannan sungani geuriwo (no more no more)
geujeo apeume seotun geol nan pihago sipeun geol
But You know that I love you girl girl girl
jiljilkkeuneun seonggyeok say no chagaun ipsullo neol eoreo butge haneun nanana
Take ma soul take ma heart back saeroun seolleim get that
sarangeun naegeneun eoulliji anha don’t think too much it’s simple
neoreul chajaseo oeo nal bichwojuneun jeo dalbicharaero
geudael chajaseo oeooo kkeuchi eodinjineun moreugetjiman hey
Tonight tonight tonight tonight
ajik nan sarangeul molla tto hollo gayeoun i bam
annyeongiran marui seulpeun uimi eoduun geurimjaneun garyeojigo
nae maeum sok ijeobeorin neoreul hyanghan naui gieok
neoreul chajaseo oeo nal bichwojuneun jeo dalbicharaero (jeo dalbicharaero)
geudael chajaseo oeooo(o geudae o baby)kkeuchi eodinji moreugetjiman hey (eodinji molla)
Tonight tonight tonight tonight
ajik nan sarangeul molla (sarangeul molla nan) tto hollo gayeoun i bam
neoreul chajaseo oeo(tonight ) nal bichwojuneun jeo dalbicharaero (such a beautiful night)
geudael chajaseo oeooo kkeuchi eodinji moreugetjiman (goodnight)
Kamis, 24 Februari 2011
2011 Sekuel Movies
1. Death Race 2
2. Kung-Fu Panda 2
3. Big Mommas : Like Father, Like Son
on January
On May
Another sekuel from Big Mommas :))
4. Transformers 3 : Dark of the Moon
On July
5. Fast Five
Fast and Furius sekuel. On April
6. Cars 2
Disney Pixar favorite cartoon. On June
7. Final Destination 5
Sekuel from Final Destination
8. Scream 4
Sekuel from Scream
9. Twilight Breaking Dawn part 1
Sekuel from Twilight
10. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2
Sekuel from Harry Potter and this is the last movie from Harry Potter. On July
11. Pirates of The Carribean 4
Sekuel from Pirates of the Carribean. On May
12. Spy Kids 4
On August
13. Paranormal Activity 3
On October
14. Saw 8
On October
15. Happy Feet 2
On November
16. Alvin and the Chipmunks 3
On December
17. Sherlock Holmes 2
On December
Senin, 21 Februari 2011
Food Friends
Sorry for the late up date. My internet connection is so bad. This is my picture when I ate at Ki-Hana (Japanese food) at Plaza Indonesia
Cute Naruto :)
Great Volcano :) *yummy*
The big blue behind the food is my friend's tummy. SO BIG
Rabu, 09 Februari 2011
JFF (Just For Fun)
Just for fun. I made it with photoshop, I'm still amateur. :p
I wore that outfit 6 February, my cousin n her mother n me went to Citraland to had a shopping time together. I Got a new baby blue vest :)) I'll show u later when i wear it. Hahaha.
It was 9pm but I still wanted to have my starbucks
Caramel Frapucinno <3
Little Miss
Kamis, 27 Januari 2011
Yellow Dress Inspiration
Everybody look stunning in yellow dress, no matter what is your skin color and age. Yellow dress look bright and you can become a trendspot over eeverybody. Yellow Dress have a unique one. Just find the right cutting dress to your body shape and your color skin and you get it :)
Jessica Alba - Natalie Portman - Taylor Swift
Eva Mendes - Gwen Stefani - Victoria Beckham
Reese Witherspoon - Angelina Jolie
Penelope Cruz - Jennifer Lopez - Paris Hilton - Molly Sims
From mini dress and simple cutting to long dress and more detail in it. :)
pictures from: runwaydaily
Selasa, 18 Januari 2011
Golden Globe 2011 - Nominations and Winner
*The bold one is the winner*
Cecil B. DeMille Award - Robert De Niro
Best Motion Picture - Drama
Black Swan
The Fighter
The King's Speech
The Social Network
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama
Halle Berry - Frankie and Alice
Nicole Kidman - Rabbit Hole
Jennifer Lawrence - Winter's Bone
Natalie Portman - Black Swan
Michelle Williams - Blue Valentine
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama
Jesse Eisenberg - The Social Network
Colin Firth - The King's Speech
James Franco - 127 Hours
Ryan Gosling - Blue Valentine
Mark Wahlberg - The Fighter
Best Motion Picture - Comedy Or Musical
Alice In Wonderland
The Kids Are All Right
The Tourist
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Comedy Or Musical
Annette Bening - The Kids Are All Right
Anne Hathaway - Love and Other Drug
Angelina Jolie - The Tourist
Julianne Moore - The Kids Are All Right
Emma Stone - Easy A
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Comedy Or Musical
Johnny Deep - Alice In Wonderland
Johnny Deep - The Tourist
Paul Giamatti - Barney's Version
Jake Gyllenhaal - Love & Other Drugs
Kevin Spacey - Casino Jack
Best Performance by an Actress In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Amy Adams - The Fighter
Helena Bonham Carter - The King's Speech
Mila Kunis - Black Swan
Melissa Leo - The Fighter
Jacki Weaver - Animal Kingdom
Best Performance by an Actor In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Christian Bale - The Fighter
Michael Douglas - Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
Andrew Garfield - The Social Network
Jeremy Renner - The Town
Geoffrey Rush - The King's Speech
Best Animated Feature Film
Despicable Me
How To Train Your Dragon
The Illusionist
Toy Story 3
Best Foreign Language Film
Biutiful (Mexico, Spain)
The Concert (France)
The Edge (Russia)
I Am Love (Italy)
In A Better World (Denmark)
Best Director - Motion Picture
Darren Aronofsky - Black Swan
David Fincher - The Social Network
Tom Hooper - The King's Speech
Christopher Nolan - Inception
David O. Russell - The Fighter
Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
Simon Beaufoy, Danny Boyle - 127 Hours
Christopher Nolan - Inception
Stuart Blumberg, Lisa Cholodenko - The Kids Are All Right
David Seidler - The King's Speech
Aaron Sorkin - The Social Network
Best Original Score - Motion Picture
Alexandre Desplat - The King's Speech
Danny Elfman - Alice in Wonderland
A. R. Rahman - 127 Hours
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross - The Social Network
Hans Zimmer - Inception
Best Original Song - Motion Picture
Bound To You - Burlesque
Coming Home - Country Strong
I See The Light - Tangled
There's A Place For Us - The Chronicles Of Narnia : The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me - Burlesque
Best Television Series - Drama
Boardwalk Empire - HBO
The Good Wife - CBS
Mad Man - AMC
The Walking Dead - AMC
Best Performance by an Actress In A Television Series - Drama
Julianna Margulies - The Good Wife
Elisabeth Moss - Mad Men
Piper Perabo - Covert Affairs
Katey Sagal - Sons Of Anarchy
Kyra Sedgwick - The Closer
Best Performance by an Actor In A Television Series - Drama
Steve Buscemi - Boardwalk Empire
Bryan Cranston - Breaking Bad
Michael C. Hall - Dexter
Jon Hamm - Mad Men
Hugh Laurie - House
Best Television Series - Comedy Or Musical
30 Rock - NBC
The Big Bang Theory - CBS
Glee - FOX
Modern Family - ABC
Nurse Jackie - SHOWTIME
Best Performance by an Actress In A Television Series - Comedy Or Musical
Toni Collette - United States Of Tara
Edie Falco - Nurse Jackie
Tina Fey - 30 Rock
Laura Linney - The Big C
Lea Michele - Glee
Best Performance by an Actor In A Television Series - Comedy Or Musical
Alec Baldwin - 30 Rock
Steve Carell - The Office
Thomas Jane - Hung
Matthew Morrison - Glee
Jim Parsons - The Big Bang Theory
Best Mini-Series Or Motion Picture Made for Television
Carlos - Sundance C
The Pacific - HBO
Pillars Of The Earth - STARZ
Temple Grandin - HBO
You Don't Know Jack - HBO
Best Performance by an Actress In A Mini-series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Hayley Atwell - Pillars Of The Earth
Claire Danes - Temple Grandin
Judi Dench - Return To Cranford
Romola Garai - Emma
Jennifer Love Hewitt - The Client List
Best Performance by an Actor in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Idris Elba - Luther
Ian McShane - Pillars Of The Earth
Al Pacino - You Don't Know Jack Dennis Quaid - The Special Relationship
Edgar Ramirez - Carlos
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Hope Davis - The Special Relationship
Jane Lynch - Glee
Kelly MacDonald - Boardwalk Empire
Julia Stiles - Dexter
Sofia Vergara - Modern Family
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Scott Caan - Hawaii Five-O
Chris Colfer - Glee Chris Noth - The Good Wife
Eric Stonestreet - Modern Family
David Strathairn - Temple Grandin
Cecil B. DeMille Award - Robert De Niro
Best Motion Picture - Drama
Black Swan
The Fighter
The King's Speech
The Social Network
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama
Halle Berry - Frankie and Alice
Nicole Kidman - Rabbit Hole
Jennifer Lawrence - Winter's Bone
Natalie Portman - Black Swan
Michelle Williams - Blue Valentine
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama
Jesse Eisenberg - The Social Network
Colin Firth - The King's Speech
James Franco - 127 Hours
Ryan Gosling - Blue Valentine
Mark Wahlberg - The Fighter
Best Motion Picture - Comedy Or Musical
Alice In Wonderland
The Kids Are All Right
The Tourist
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Comedy Or Musical
Annette Bening - The Kids Are All Right
Anne Hathaway - Love and Other Drug
Angelina Jolie - The Tourist
Julianne Moore - The Kids Are All Right
Emma Stone - Easy A
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Comedy Or Musical
Johnny Deep - Alice In Wonderland
Johnny Deep - The Tourist
Paul Giamatti - Barney's Version
Jake Gyllenhaal - Love & Other Drugs
Kevin Spacey - Casino Jack
Best Performance by an Actress In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Amy Adams - The Fighter
Helena Bonham Carter - The King's Speech
Mila Kunis - Black Swan
Melissa Leo - The Fighter
Jacki Weaver - Animal Kingdom
Best Performance by an Actor In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Christian Bale - The Fighter
Michael Douglas - Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
Andrew Garfield - The Social Network
Jeremy Renner - The Town
Geoffrey Rush - The King's Speech
Best Animated Feature Film
Despicable Me
How To Train Your Dragon
The Illusionist
Toy Story 3
Best Foreign Language Film
Biutiful (Mexico, Spain)
The Concert (France)
The Edge (Russia)
I Am Love (Italy)
In A Better World (Denmark)
Best Director - Motion Picture
Darren Aronofsky - Black Swan
David Fincher - The Social Network
Tom Hooper - The King's Speech
Christopher Nolan - Inception
David O. Russell - The Fighter
Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
Simon Beaufoy, Danny Boyle - 127 Hours
Christopher Nolan - Inception
Stuart Blumberg, Lisa Cholodenko - The Kids Are All Right
David Seidler - The King's Speech
Aaron Sorkin - The Social Network
Best Original Score - Motion Picture
Alexandre Desplat - The King's Speech
Danny Elfman - Alice in Wonderland
A. R. Rahman - 127 Hours
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross - The Social Network
Hans Zimmer - Inception
Best Original Song - Motion Picture
Bound To You - Burlesque
Coming Home - Country Strong
I See The Light - Tangled
There's A Place For Us - The Chronicles Of Narnia : The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me - Burlesque
Best Television Series - Drama
Boardwalk Empire - HBO
The Good Wife - CBS
Mad Man - AMC
The Walking Dead - AMC
Best Performance by an Actress In A Television Series - Drama
Julianna Margulies - The Good Wife
Elisabeth Moss - Mad Men
Piper Perabo - Covert Affairs
Katey Sagal - Sons Of Anarchy
Kyra Sedgwick - The Closer
Best Performance by an Actor In A Television Series - Drama
Steve Buscemi - Boardwalk Empire
Bryan Cranston - Breaking Bad
Michael C. Hall - Dexter
Jon Hamm - Mad Men
Hugh Laurie - House
Best Television Series - Comedy Or Musical
30 Rock - NBC
The Big Bang Theory - CBS
Glee - FOX
Modern Family - ABC
Nurse Jackie - SHOWTIME
Best Performance by an Actress In A Television Series - Comedy Or Musical
Toni Collette - United States Of Tara
Edie Falco - Nurse Jackie
Tina Fey - 30 Rock
Laura Linney - The Big C
Lea Michele - Glee
Best Performance by an Actor In A Television Series - Comedy Or Musical
Alec Baldwin - 30 Rock
Steve Carell - The Office
Thomas Jane - Hung
Matthew Morrison - Glee
Jim Parsons - The Big Bang Theory
Best Mini-Series Or Motion Picture Made for Television
Carlos - Sundance C
The Pacific - HBO
Pillars Of The Earth - STARZ
Temple Grandin - HBO
You Don't Know Jack - HBO
Best Performance by an Actress In A Mini-series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Hayley Atwell - Pillars Of The Earth
Claire Danes - Temple Grandin
Judi Dench - Return To Cranford
Romola Garai - Emma
Jennifer Love Hewitt - The Client List
Best Performance by an Actor in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Idris Elba - Luther
Ian McShane - Pillars Of The Earth
Al Pacino - You Don't Know Jack Dennis Quaid - The Special Relationship
Edgar Ramirez - Carlos
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Hope Davis - The Special Relationship
Jane Lynch - Glee
Kelly MacDonald - Boardwalk Empire
Julia Stiles - Dexter
Sofia Vergara - Modern Family
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Scott Caan - Hawaii Five-O
Chris Colfer - Glee Chris Noth - The Good Wife
Eric Stonestreet - Modern Family
David Strathairn - Temple Grandin
Golden Globes,
Senin, 17 Januari 2011
Andai Aku Jadi Gayus Tambunan - If I were Gayus Tambunan
Above is a video clip from Youtube, Andai Aku Jadi Gayus Tambunan
11 Maret (March 11)
Diriku masuk penjara ( I went to jail)
Awal ku menjalani (First time I lead)
Proses masa tahanan (My detention)
Hidup di penjara (Living in jail)
Sangat berat kurasakan (I feel so hard)
Badanku kurus (My body get thin)
Karena beban pikiran (Because of my mind burden)
Diriku masuk penjara ( I went to jail)
Awal ku menjalani (First time I lead)
Proses masa tahanan (My detention)
Hidup di penjara (Living in jail)
Sangat berat kurasakan (I feel so hard)
Badanku kurus (My body get thin)
Karena beban pikiran (Because of my mind burden)
Kita orang yang lemah (We are poor people)
Tak punya daya apa-apa (We have nothing)
Tak bisa berbuat banyak (We can't do much)
Seperti para koruptor (like a corruptor)
Andai Ku Gayus Tambunan (If I we Gayus Tambunan)
Yang bisa bisa pergi ke Bali (Who could go to Bali)
Semua keinginannya (Everthing that he wish)
Pasti bisa terpenuhi (Surely can be full-fill)
Lucunya di negeri ini (What is funny in this country)
Hukuman bisa dibeli (Law can be buy)
Kita orang yang lemah (We are poor people)
Pasrah akan keadaan (Resign with this situation)
Kita orang yang lemah (We are poor people)
Tak punya daya apa-apa (We have nothing)
Tak bisa berbuat banyak (We can't do much)
Seperti para koruptor (like a corruptor)
Andai Ku Gayus Tambunan (If I we Gayus Tambunan)
Yang bisa bisa pergi ke Bali (Who could go to Bali)
Semua keinginannya (Everthing that he wish)
Pasti bisa terpenuhi (Surely can be full-fill)
Lucunya di negeri ini (What is funny in this country)
Hukuman bisa dibeli (Law can be buy)
Kita orang yang lemah (We are poor people)
Pasrah akan keadaan (Resign with this situation)
7 Oktober (October 7)
kubebas dari penjara (I was free from jail)
Menghirup udara segar (Inhale fresh air)
Lepaskan penderitaan (Took off pain)
Wahai saudara (Hey my brother)
Dan para sahabatku (And my friends)
Lakukan yang terbaik (Do your best)
Jangan engkau salah arah (Don't you in the wrong way)
Biarlah semua menjadi kenangan (Let this be in our memories)
Kenangan yang pahit (Bitter memories)
dalam hidup ini (In this life)
This song tell us about Gayus Tambunan, He is an Indonesian citizen and he is a tax mafia. Hundreds companies with his helped, can pay tax lower than they have to. Now, Gayus already in jail but the case still unclear and unfinish. Even he is in jail, he can went to Bali and he could go overseas. He made a fake passport and he still could pass through Indonesian and international airport.
He is a rich person, of course because when he helped a company to get away from high tax, he get a commission too. Don't you think the commission is not that much, THAT IS MORE THAN MUCH. With that much money he can buy law in this country so he could escape and took a free breathe to go overseas and had a 'little' vacation during his detention period. He used wig and glasses to change his look. Oh yeah, that is not really success as u think, Gayus!
I don't know what the hell happen in this country right now. I can see, I can buy law! A law must be fixed can't be change and write about the truth, and what we see now, BULLSHIT!!! There is NO LAW in this country!
I'm so sad and upset with this situation, I don't know what international think about Indonesia. But this is have to be stroke to our goverment.
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