Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Andai Aku Jadi Gayus Tambunan - If I were Gayus Tambunan

Above is a video clip from Youtube, Andai Aku Jadi Gayus Tambunan

11 Maret                                                             (March 11)
Diriku masuk penjara                                           ( I went to jail)
Awal ku menjalani                                               (First time I lead)
Proses masa tahanan                                             (My detention)

Hidup di penjara                                                  (Living in jail)
Sangat berat kurasakan                                        (I feel so hard)
Badanku kurus                                                     (My body get thin)
Karena beban pikiran                                           (Because of my mind burden)
Kita orang yang lemah                                        (We are poor people)
Tak punya daya apa-apa                                    (We have nothing)
Tak bisa berbuat banyak                                     (We can't do much)
Seperti para koruptor                                         (like a corruptor)

Andai Ku Gayus Tambunan                                   (If I we Gayus Tambunan)
Yang bisa bisa pergi ke Bali                                    (Who could go to Bali)
Semua keinginannya                                               (Everthing that he wish)
Pasti bisa terpenuhi                                                 (Surely can be full-fill)

Lucunya di negeri ini                                              (What is funny in this country)
Hukuman bisa dibeli                                               (Law can be buy)
Kita orang yang lemah                                            (We are poor people)
Pasrah akan keadaan                                             (Resign with this situation)

7 Oktober                                                             (October 7)
kubebas dari penjara                                              (I was free from jail)
Menghirup udara segar                                           (Inhale fresh air)
Lepaskan penderitaan                                            (Took off pain)

Wahai saudara                                                       (Hey my brother)
Dan para sahabatku                                               (And my friends)
Lakukan yang terbaik                                            (Do your best)
Jangan engkau salah arah                                        (Don't you in the wrong way)


Biarlah semua menjadi kenangan                           (Let this be in our memories)
Kenangan yang pahit                                             (Bitter memories)
dalam hidup ini                                                      (In this life)


This song tell us about Gayus Tambunan, He is an Indonesian citizen and he is a tax mafia. Hundreds companies with his helped, can pay tax lower than they have to. Now, Gayus already in jail but the case still unclear and unfinish. Even he is in jail, he can went to Bali and he could go overseas. He made a fake passport and he still could pass through Indonesian and international airport.

He is a rich person, of course because when he helped a company to get away from high tax, he get a commission too. Don't you think the commission is not that much, THAT IS MORE THAN MUCH. With that much money he can buy law in this country so he could escape and took a free breathe to go overseas and had a 'little' vacation during his detention period. He used wig and glasses to change his look. Oh yeah, that is not really success as u think, Gayus!

I don't know what the hell happen in this country right now. I can see, I can buy law! A law must be fixed can't be change and write about the truth, and what we see now, BULLSHIT!!! There is NO LAW in this country!

I'm so sad and upset with this situation, I don't know what international think about Indonesia. But this is have to be stroke to our goverment.

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