Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

K-POP : [EXO] My New Bias EXO-M KRIS

Who is he? He is EXO-M KRIS
I don't know why or how this craziness started, but I am in love with him >.<


Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

K-POP: [NEW THIS WEEK 2nd week of October 2013] This week onward is going to be awesome

Hello guys, I am a K-POP lovers, even though I am not a huge fan of particular group or like to listen to all genre of k-pop but I will present my list of new k-pop music and MV that I like to listen today,10 October 2013.
[This is not in a particular order]

Kahi - It's Me (Feat. Dumbfoundead)

The song is so sexy and Kahi is so hot. Although she looks skinnier but she is so cool and the dance during the refrain is so sexy. "I'm so bad girl, I'm so cool girl, I'm so sexy sexy sexy girl".

SHINee - Everybody

SHINee is back (AGAIN!). As usual, they will dance inside the box but I cannot hate that because their dance is so EPIC! They looks so cool and handsome also their dance movement is so fantastic, I cannot wait to see the live performance of "Everybody".

AOA - Confused

AOA with the sexy image is here. They are back with sexy lips, sexy hands, sexy leg and superb sexy dress. However, one part of the dance remind me of other group dance movement, but it is just my opinion and point of view.

IU - The Red Shoes

IU is back after 1 year and 5 months of break with the theme "Maturity through musical development". On my opinion, not only musically mature, IU herself also getting more mature in looks. She looks prettier, so does her voice. This is a long 8 minutes MV that I personally quite enjoy.

Nine Muses - Gun
Nine Muses - Gun (M! Countdown Live Performance)
You can listen to the song from the link above. I don't know why I can't upload it here. The song is nice but I am thinking that the previous song "Wild" is more catchy than this one.

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Reduce Your Calories by not Doing the Workout

I just read the post about burning the calories without having a heavy workout. I don't think that will be an efficient way to reduce a huge amount of calories or even to get you slimmer but I just think those activities are good to maintain and balance your life, it is a complement activity. The activities are there to help you move your body so your body will not be so lazy and your fat or calories will be maintained or if you workout regularly these activities will burn an extra calories. Now, lets see all those simple and easy activities.

1. Take the Stairs
Walking up the stairs will burn 9 calories per minute on an average person and instead of you taking the elevator to the 2nd or 3rd floor it is better to take stairs and you can burn 300 calories in 5 minutes! Don't be so lazy to go one floor above and you need to take the elevator, change your mind and walk.
Paris - Louvre marble stairs

2. Biking
Go biking in the morning or afternoon time for 30 minutes around your housing area and your body's calories will be reduced by 150 calories. It is relaxing and you don't need to pay for the expensive price of fuel. Take your bike and call your friends to go somewhere, hang out and enjoy your day with them and in the same time you guys will workout to burn your calories by biking to the destination. In the end of day, you can workout and socialize with your friends in the same time!

My own opinion, I don't really like doing this because it looks like I am working out and I have to go outside. I live in a middle of a big city, I will die because of the pollution or the motorcycle and car can hit me also it is really hard for me to find a place like a park or just a road that can be a better place to bike.

3. Drink Ice Water
I don't really recommend this one, I don't really have a solid fact to support my opinion but as I remember if you drink the ice water you get a digestion problem. Nevertheless, When you drink an icy-cold water, your body will burn calories to warm up the water. A glass of icy-cold water burns 9.25 calories, a liter will burns roughly 37 calories. Everyday we are suggested to drink 2 liters of water so we can burn 74 calories by drinking the ice water, even though this is not as much as a diet of 2000 calories but in a year 27000 calories will be burnt only by drinking water. In one shot, you drink enough water a day for your health and burn your calories!

4. Clean the House
In a week, you have to clean your house and no excuse for that. In 30 minutes of cleaning the house, you already burn 120 calories. Your house clean and you lose some amount of calories, nice try! Personally, I love to do this one. It is a benefit for me in two ways and I don't need to go outside my house.

5. Ankle Weights
One mile walk with ankle weights is equals to 5 to 8 calories burn. Even though you stay at home, cook, clean the house, walk to the nearest market or pick up your kids, in a day you already walk more than a mile and feel the different afterward. My suggestion, don't choose the heavy one, just wear the normal or minimum weights, don't force yourself. If you already get used to it, later on you can increase the weights gradually!

6. Humor
I heard of this quite few times and I cannot feel the difference of before and after doing this activities. My experience this is one of the activities that you cannot sweat or tired, you only can feel the happiness, relaxing and just enjoy the moment by yourself or with family, friends or your lover. This is just a great activity to burn your calories and having a good time. According to the data, in 15 minutes laughing, you can burn up to 50 calories. Enjoy your favorite comedy show or movie and just let it burn!

7. 5 Minutes Challenge
Every hour, just take 5 minutes just to walk around and keep moving around. In one day you can burn roughly 170 calories. This activity also makes you feel better as if you are working in the office that require you to sit in front of the computer, you can stretch yourself and take a breath for a while. It will decrease your stress and give you more fresh mind.
job interview, successful, first five, five minutes, ideas, interview tips,     successful job interview, 5 minutes, the first, short sighted, eleanor duckworth, david meece, job interview, jobs seeker, recruitment, interviews, business, minutes, interviewing, education, nails, characters, confidence, obvious, employment, job, jobs

8. Fidget
Some people don't like fidgeters because they look so annoying but the research said that fidgeters can burn 350 calories more than the non-fidgeters. All you have to do just fiddle your pen (sometimes you doing it accidentally while you are thinking), tap your leg while waiting or bounce a little in your chair.

9. Chewing Gum
Chewing gum actually only burns a really small amount of calories but if you chew it on regular basis, it will prevent you from snacking and decrease the consumption of sweet snacks that will give you more calories. One of the research said that it will also reduce calorie intake and increase energy expenditure.

10. Shopping Time
Go to the mall, walk and window shopping and shop in an hour you already burn 150 calories. Even though the online shopping is more convenient but you will be lazy and not moving around. If you go to the mall and burn your calories, you will be healthier and skinnier so you can look good in all the outfits that you buy. I'm agree with this one but we must be careful not to overspend. Window shopping still safer than you actually shop and over budget.
Sale Shopping

11. Get Lucky
Sexual activity for an hour already burns 300 calories. ;)

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Malaysia Here I am

Hello world. Sorry for the lack update due to I'm really lazy to open this and I have no idea what I want to write. LOL
Even though now I'm writing this but actually I have nothing inside my brain. Still stressed with this unmotivated situation. For the first 3 months it was like everything as I planned. Now, everything just a big mess. I have no idea what the fucking hell is going on... This situation I really don't know anything... If I did something wrong just tell me and I will apologize but if the excuse is nonsense just go to hell you guys. Already pissed me off!!!!
I can't bear this anymore. I still have a lot of important things to think about and this just a big nonsense in my life. F off!!!
Just act like innocent people... look what you do... I think the devil only an angel compare to you all!!!

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Sometimes We Just Don't Understand

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Nike Warehouse up to 70% SALE

Nike sale up to 70% at Balai Kartini. I just went there with my dad and my two brothers. So Crowded. We had to queue about 30minutes before we can got in to the room that sell the stuff. This is my first time to join such as that event. I heard someone said "this is not as long as croccs sale!" In my mind, What??? But I have to admit that I love nike sale! I bought a running/training shoes, my brother got a Manchester United AIG shirt and my little brother got a futsal shoes. Dad spent about 1million. Sorry Dad. But this is so worth it, because this is Nike! And just ask anybody who can buy 3 pieces of nike at that price!

My new running shoes from Nike

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Adil dan Bersih

Hari ini hari ke-3 UAN, dan akhirnya saya menyadari betapa Tuhan itu adil. Adil dalam hal memberi berkah dan sifat dan rahmat kepada orang-orangNya. Hal ini saya lihat dalam pribadi 2 kelompok orang. Kelompok pertama adalah orang-orang yang pinter, yang hasil ulangan harian maupun TO mendapatkan nilai yang baik. Kelompok kedua adalah orang-orang yang biasa-biasa saja, nilai ulangan maupun TO standar-standar ataupun menyentuh merah.

Dalam peraturan dikatakan mulai mengerjakan soal saat bel tanda mulai mengerjakan dibunyikan. Lalu kadang-kadang guru pengawas, sebelum bel tanda mulai dibunyikan, menyuruh kita untuk mengecek soal (bukan mengerjakan soal) untuk melihat apakah soalnya ada kecacatan supaya dapat cepat diganti dan penggantian soal tidak memakan waktu kita mengerjakan soal.

Kelompok pertama :
1. Mengecek soal begitu soal dibagikan
2. Melanjutkan pembulatan data diri di lembar jawaban
3. Pada saat guru menyuruh mengecek soal, mereka kembali mengecek soalnya
4. Pada saat guru mengatakan kalau sudah selesai ditutup lagi, mereka menutupnya
5. Begitu gurunya duduk dan mengisi surat keterangan di kertas, mereka kembali membukanya
6. Bel belum berbunyi, mereka membalik-balik kertas, melihat-lihat soal
7. Sudah capek membalik-balik dan bel belum juga berbunyi, mereka mengangkat pensil mereka dan mulai mencoret-coret jawaban dikertas ulangan
8. Bel berbunyi, daritadi juga sudah mengerjakan!

Kelompok kedua:
1. Soal dibagikan
2. Tetap membulatkan data diri di lembar jawaban
3. Pada saat guru menyuruh mengecek soal, mereka kembali mengecek soalnya
4. Pada saat guru mengatakan kalau sudah selesai ditutup lagi, mereka menutupnya
5. Begitu guru duduk dan mengisi surat keterangan di kertas, mereka tetap duduk diam dengan lembar soal tertutup
6. Bel belum berbunyi, mereka tetap duduk diam dengan lembar soal tertutup ataupun melihat ke sekeliling
7. Sudah capek duduk diam ataupun melihat sekeliling, mereka tetap duduk diam ataupun melihat sekeliling dan keadaan soal tetap tertutup
8. Bel berbunyi, waktunya mengerjakan!

Kalau gurunya mencatat di berita acara (catatan peristiwa apa yang terjadi selama UAN berlangsung), wah memang dunia itu adil!

Kata orang hidup di dunia tidak bisa tanpa kejahatan, itu salah. Di mana-mana orang baik yang memegang tempat kebenaran. Orang yang jahat dan salah sudah pasti jahat dan salah. Tidak akan bisa ditutup-tutupi, kalau di usut-usut pasti ketauan busuk juga. Memang bau bangkai, ditutup sebagaimana pun tetap bau bangkainya keluar juga.

Ironisnya, sudah pinter tapi tidak tahu tata peraturan dan pasti mereka akan mengerjakan soalnya selesai dan akan tahu jawabannya lah! Kalau yang biasa-biasa sadar tata peraturan biarpun mereka masih bimbang bisa tidak mengerjakan soalnya dan selesai.

Sudah pinter kiasu, mending biasa-biasa tapi hidup bersih dunia akhirat!